Keswick Market - 26 September 2015

Post date: Oct 07, 2015 8:27:17 AM

A busy time! First of all I met a lady from the south of the county who had experienced difficulty enrolling her children in her local church Sunday School. We later telephoned a friend who lived nearby, who promised to contact her to help her find a Sunday School for her children.

Next came four ladies from Glasgow who attended the Church of Scotland were given literature. They were feeling sad that three church meetings had to condense into just one building, to save costs.

A Christian couple from Blackpool expressed their deep grief at the suicide of their daughter aged just 24; " If only she had told us her difficulties we would have helped," they explained.

A gentleman from Lebanon took literature about suffering.

Tracts from the 10 things series were taken by many passers by.

An Indian Christian from Manchester greeted me and encouraged me in the work.

At one spell, we had a group of six children, with their parents, listening intently to the flipper flapper ( wordless tract. ) They took one each as well as some childrens booklets. An assistant pastor from Whitby and his wife enquired carefully how the flipper flapper booklets could be made to try out with their Sunday School.

A lad from Bassenthwaite responded very well to the guessing box showing good knowledge so was given a children's bible to extend his knowledge further.

A lady from Newcastle took a bible and literature and was very grateful for these.

A group of Muslim women walked slowly by with their eyes fixed on the stall but came no closer!

Three tracts on, "What the Catholic Bible teaches" were taken. One by a lady from Scotland whose husband was a Catholic and interested in the Bible, another by a man whose theology seemed mixed up and was considering trying out a Quaker meeting. He had just been approached by a Christian group from Wigan who were gaining out tracts. I underlined what they had said to him that he needed to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. The third tract was given to a man who questioned that Jesus is God. We talked over John 1:1 etc but he still couldn't be sure. I felt he'd had contact with J W.s in the past

Six people from Bradford took literature.

An elderly man from Keswick, said he was a Christian and a preacher but attends no place of worship regularly, chatted for quite some time in the morning and came back again in the afternoon. Pray for this man that he may find Christian fellowship and teaching.

I finally met the group of Christians from Wigan whom I mentioned earlier. They had been invited to lead a youth service and were giving out tracts to tell people of the meeting. I taught them how to use the flipper-flapper which they used right there on the stall to explain the gospel to some teenagers and decided to use these at their service.

All in all a busy day filled with hope, some sympathy but yet some disappointments that more could not be reached with the gospel.

Tom O'Donnell