Appleby Horse Fair - June 2023

A few days before the Gypsy Fair began at Appleby, Travellers arrived in our village at Warcop. As I walked down one evening, I was met by a traveller and two young people,  He recognised me from last year, I wonder why!!  My wife wants to see you he said.  Why!!  When I arrived at their caravan E welcome me,  I had shared the way of salvation I had given a New Testament and leaflets last year.  With a broad smile, E said she had asked the Lord into her life, she had been baptised.  Hallelujah.  What a joy it was also to see her telling oters about Jesus a friend was sitting with her in the caravan.

The next day when I visited ‘T’ a young lady in her early twenties said, she had been saved 4 weeks ago, she then introduced me to her husband ‘K’ who gave his life to the Lord two weeks previously.  The Lord is working amongst the travelling people from Durham and Lancaster.  

 As I walked home another evening ‘J’ had just pulled up with his horse drawn van, I commented about the flags he had on the van. I said are you a Christian, “Oh Yes” he replied but, I have spent 32 years of my life in various prisons. Now, I am helping ex-prisoners adjust back into society.  I encouraged him to be part of a local church to support and encourage him – he asked for prayer. I had other meaningful conversations with travelling friends from Leeds and Bradford camping in another area of Warcop village.

Horses in the water - Appleby Horse Fair - June 2023 - Cumbria Gospel Outreach

Friday – Ron Marston and I arrived at Appleby with the van before 9 a.m., to be met by David Garnett and later Jean Allison and Jeremy, in the afternoon, Joe arrived by train from London, he was attending a Chinese church in the city, he was originally from Hong Kong. Joe found it a challenge working in a completely different culture situation at Appleby.

One of the first visitors was a gentleman from Hereford, he recalled us giving him a seat last year, he happily took ‘Eternity Stakes’ (ES )leaflet.

‘T’ a local farmer’s son introduced himself, he happily took ‘What’s the Point’.

A young lady from Derbyshire shared about her family and her interest in horses. We introduced her to the Gospel and gave her ‘Eternity Stakes’.

We had a long talk with a lady from South Island in New Zealand and commenting, your capital is Christian, “Christchurch” which opened the door to sharing the way of salvation and she took the leaflet ‘What’s the Point’. WTP.

‘J’ was a middle aged gentleman from Newcastle who had travelled to many parts of the country through his work.  We asked about his family of 5 children, with tears in his eyes he told us how he had lost a son through drug addiction.  We gave him a New Testament explaining the helps in time of sadness, he also was pleased to accept the ‘Purpose of Life’, and ‘Pathway to Peace’ we pray he will find comfort and hope in the Lord.

‘S’ a young lady walked up to the van, she had been having a long talk across the road with David.  We said, I hope you know he only speaks the truth. 

Three travelling gentlemen, all Christians, spent time sitting on our seats near the van, one saying, ‘I send Billy Welch, ‘King of the Travellers’, an encouraging Bible text every morning’, Praise the Lord.

‘D’ lives just a little way up from where the van is situated and was seeking, he accepted a Bible and New Testament.   This gentleman was certainly seeking the Lord, he also went a few yards up to his home with the ‘Purpose of Life’ and ‘Missing Peace’ which explains the way of salvation so well.  ‘D’ needs our prayers.

John met ‘K’ sitting outside his sister’s house, a little way from the van.  The family were enjoying the lovely sunshine and watching the world go by. When he was at school, he had been to the church at Mellbecks. He asked many questions comparing Christianity to Islam and Buddhism.  It was wonderful to tell him of the only Saviour who died for him and rose again, living today.  His children were given a ‘Jade and Jack’ booklets and ‘flippa floppa’, I went back to the van, returning with ‘On the Right Track’, ‘Romans and John’, ‘Start Again’ and also the ‘Missing Peace’.  Do pray the Word will impact this young man’s life for eternity.

‘D’ and his wife from Yorkshire were polite and were a well spoken couple, not going to church but seeking and were so appreciative of being given literature including ‘The Missing Peace’. 

Saturday  -  Refreshed after a good night’s sleep, we arrived at the Gypsy Fair beginning with a prayer time, excited about having the joy of sharing the Good News.  ‘J’ from Liverpool spoke to John along with her 2 teenage girls, sadly having lost their father 5 months ago, in her loss ‘J’ was hurting, but, what a joy to bring them hope explaining the Saviour who demonstrated His love and care for us all.  We felt there was a softness of heart and seeking the Lord.  We gave our contact details.  They were eager to accept a New Testament, ‘God’s Story’ and ‘Missing Peace’.  They do need our prayers.

We walked up a path to a family sitting outside their garden, they all accepted leaflets.

We spoke to two men from Skipton, one saying he was a Christian and the other gentleman, an atheist, we light heartedly warned him of God’s Judgement and Hell.

‘L’ and ‘G’ had travelled from Norfolk, listening well as we shared the Gospel, again having shown real interest, we gave them ‘Missing Peace’. 

‘J’ a young lady from Bradford talked about the meaning of life, we explained, why we should be born again, She was pleased to take away ‘The Secret of Life’s Meaning’.

‘R’ from Leeds, with her sister, were travellers, both were open to the Gospel being explained and saying, they would go to the Gospel meeting in the tent on Sunday.

‘T’ from Consett  - Introduced himself to John, having not seen him for many years, his parents had visited Warcop village for over 30 years.  Please pray this renewed contact will result in an opportunity to share the gospel.

Two teenagers ‘H’ and ‘E’ from Carlisle were showing real interest as we explained the Gospel.  They took leaflets ‘The Purpose of Life’ and ‘Reason to Believe’.

‘T’ from Hexham was happy to talk and shared about a friend who was African attending a Gospel church in Newcastle.  This friend had faithfully shared the Gospel with ‘T’ who is now very near salvation.  The leaflets we gave her included the ‘Sinner’s Prayer’, ‘God’s Story’, the ‘Missing Peace’, ‘Secret of Life’s Meaning’.  Pray that ‘T’ and her friend will soon be rejoicing together.

Many hundred of leaflets were given to Travellers and Visitors along with New Testaments and Bibles .  May we see many more souls coming to the Lord.

We had a great time of fellowship at (KSEC) Kirkby Stephen Evangelical Church on Sunday evening when Ronnie spoke and shared about his travels to Moldova and Israel, and amazingly hearing the good news that a couple were saved at the tent meeting at Appleby last year when Ronnie was speaking, ‘Praise The Lord’.

John Heron