Dalston Show - August 2017

Post date: Aug 23, 2017 5:38:30 PM

The weather once again was intermittent, showers mostly but with thankfully dry spells. At times in the morning , we did have to put covers over the tracts to protect them from the weather. It faired up just after dinner and we started to get people stopping at the van.

A lady whom i met at the Cockermouth Show a few weeks earlier, stopped by. She had taken a Gospel of Mark at that time and had promised that she would read it, She attends church but still has to make the decision to follow the Lord. Please pray for her that she will trust Him.

We had quite a number of children throughout the day who came to use the guessing box We find this is always an attraction for most people whether on the shows or on the market. The children try to discover what the objects are, by touch only in the box. If for example they find a toy lion, we ask them to tell us a bible story that includes a lion. In this time, we have the opportunity to talk with the children and their parents and give them literature.

People were happy to see the Gospel Van and we were given much encouragement to continue in the work One young couple arrived and talked about the work of CGO; it was surprising to learn that the lady came originally from Dalston. She is a teacher and they were now living in Leeds. Her husband had just got a job as trainee Engine driver based at York They were both Christians and said that they would be attending Morton Park Hall the following morning.

Again on that day, we encountered a man who had been at the show at Skelton some weeks earlier and had talked with us while he was there He seemed a bit mixed up. He said he knew about the Bible and had gone to the Railway Mission as a teenager when in Carlisle, near where Debenhams is now. One of his difficulties was why were there were, wars, famines, illness etc. Also he was concerned why a Jehovah's Witness, he knew, would have nothing to do with his son. Was that being a Christian? he wondered . I read to him the story in Luke 15 of the prodigal son and of how he returned and the father received him back into his house. As he listened to the message, we hope he understood he like the prodigal is lost and the Father is looking for him, so the Lord our Heavenly Father is looking for those who will admit their wrongdoing and turn to Him for mercy. He was given a Gospel of Mark, but then he asked if he could have a Bible which he promised to read.

So again the good seed has been planted in those who were given tracts and those whom we talked with not forgetting the people who will have read the message and texts on the van . Whether audibly or inaudibly, they have heard of God's love and eternity will reveal the decisions.

David Johnston Robert McGibbon